
Social Activities

All the conference participants are cordially invited to participate in all social activities and other events (included in the conference fee).

Conference Lunches

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is included in the registration fee and will be served from 12:30 to 13:45 at the Sunset Restaurant on the 10th floor of the Grand hotel Bernardin.

Welcome Reception

Monday, September 9

The Welcome reception with the welcome drink will be held on Monday at 19:30 on the Grand Garden Terrace on the 11th floor of the Grand Hotel Bernardin.

Conference Trip

Wednesday, September 11

The conference trip will be held on Wednesday, September 11, at 14:30.

We meet in the hotel lobby and start the journey. The boat picks us up at the chosen pier and takes us to the panorama of Slovenian coastal towns and other small bays along the Riviera.

Conference Dinner

Wednesday, September 11

The conference dinner will be held on Wednesday at 19:30 at Sunset Restaurant on the 10th floor of the Grand Hotel Bernardin. The Young Authors Award and the Best Paper Award will be presented during the dinner.

The price for the accompanying person is 40 € per conference lunch, 60 € per welcome reception, 50 € per conference trip and 80 € for conference dinner on Wednesday.

Post Conference Activity - Technical tour to JSI TRIGA

Friday, September 13

On Friday morning, a technical tour of the Jožef Stefan Institute, TRIGA Reactor, Ljubljana will be organized. Transport will pick you up at 8:00 am in front of Hotel Bernardin. The tour of the TRIGA reactor of the JSI is scheduled between 10:00 and 12:00. Lunch will be provided for tour participants between 12:00 and 13:00. Return to the hotel at 15:00.

The technical tour includes transport to and from the hotel, lunch and a guided tour of the JSI TRIGA reactor.

(The airport of Ljubljana is 25 km away from the TRIGA reactor and can be reached directly after the technical visit; participants must make their own journey)

Deadline for application is September 2nd. The technical tour is not included in the registration fee. The price is 100 €.

Key Dates

February 29, 2024
Call for papers
May 31, 2024
Abstract submittal (extended)
August 31, 2024
Full length papers
September 9–12, 2024